Moon Sisters Online
Advanced Online Classes
> Start: 29 januari 2025
> Wanneer: Woensdag 9.30 – 11.30
> Voor wie: vrouwen met ervaring t/m de Greater kan & li
> Voertaal: Nederlands
KAN & LI is the next level after basics and fusion
At the BASIC level of Inner Alchemy, we learn how to step out of the confusion of the world of “10.000 things”, and how to harmonize the 5 elements in ourselves. We remember that we are part of nature, and that, to feel balanced and harmonious, we only have to align ourselves with the greater natural forces that surround us. It helps you to let go of tensions, to balance your emotions, and to feel more balanced, healthy, happy and alive.
The FUSION practice brings you straight to your essence. That pure part of you, that has always existed, and still exists, in the middle of the hassle of daily life. By centering and fusing the energy of the 5 elements, you create a ‘pearl’, which represents the very essence of who you are. In cultivating and nurturing this pearl, your actions, thougths, emotions and intuitions will become clearer. And you will start healing yourself, while you start unravelling patterns of disbalance.
In KAN & LI, we shift from the level of the 5 elements and the 10.000 things (the world that surrounds us), to the level that underlies our reality as we experience it, and that is governed by 2 polarites: Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang have many appearances, like for instance Male and Female, Fire and Water, Sun and Moon, Heaven and Earth. In the different stages of the KAN & LI training, we explore all those manifestations, starting with Water & Fire (in Chinese: KAN & LI).
For inner alchemists, the interesing thing is what happens in between these two polarities. The neutral energy we find there, we call Yuan, or Yuan-chi. In the KAN & LI practices, we couple the polarities, and savour the Yuan-chi that appears from the coupling. This Yuan-chi is also called ‘the elixir‘.
The most interesting part of this higer Inner Alchemy practice, is that we do not limit the experience of the elixer to the time of our meditations, but we integrate this pure and high frequency energy in our bodies and in our existence. Thus healing deep patterns of Yin-Yang imbalance in our lives.
Doing this, we do not only taste the elixir, but we become it. Step by step, we give birth to our ‘immortal self‘.